How To Harvest Honey With The Best Honey Extractor

Take a deep breath and relax while we discuss the wonder of bees. These creatures are a natural and essential part of our ecosystems, playing a vital role in maintaining the balance of nature. Not only that, but bees also contribute to the beauty of life through their production of delicious honey, which can be found at many food retailers.

For those who are particularly intrigued by bees, becoming a beekeeper (or apiarist) is a great way to explore this fascination further. With your own honey extractor, you can harvest honey and experience the joy of producing your own sweet, golden nectar.

The honey extraction process itself is straightforward and ingenious, relying on the power of centrifugal force. By arranging the honeycomb in racks and using a manual or electric honey extractor, you can easily separate the honey from the comb. As the extractor spins slowly and steadily, the honey drips down to the bottom of the drum and collects in a capped spout called a honey gate.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced beekeeper, a honey extractor is a great tool that can help simplify the honey harvesting process. So take a moment to relax and appreciate the wonder of these incredible insects, and perhaps consider becoming a beekeeper yourself!

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What To Consider When Choosing A Honey Extractor?

If you’re considering buying a honey extractor, there are a few important things to keep in mind.

Honey Extractor Types

There are two main types of honey extractors: manual and electric.

Manual honey extractors are operated by hand and require the beekeeper to turn a handle or crank to spin the frames inside the drum. While they are more affordable than electric extractors, they can be more physically demanding and time-consuming.

Electric honey extractors, on the other hand, are powered by electricity and spin the frames automatically, which makes them easier and faster to use. They are also more expensive than manual extractors and require access to an electrical outlet.

Both manual and electric extractors come in two main styles: tangential and radial. Tangential extractors have frames placed on one side of the drum, and the honey is extracted from one side of the comb at a time. Radial extractors have frames placed in the center of the drum, and the honey is extracted from both sides of the comb at the same time.

Overall, the type of honey extractor you choose will depend on your personal preference, the size of your beekeeping operation, and your budget.

Frame Size

The size you choose will depend on the number of hives you have and how much honey you plan to extract at once.

Frames typically come in shallow, medium, or deep sizes, and some extractors can accommodate more than one size.

A larger extractor will be able to handle more frames at once, but will also be more expensive and require more storage space. It’s also important to only use frames of the same size during the extraction process, as using different sizes can unbalance the extractor and affect its operation.

Using the right size frames can help ensure that the honey extraction process goes smoothly and that you get the most honey possible from each extraction. So, make sure to choose an extractor that is compatible with the size frames you use in your hives, and stick to using frames of the same size during the extraction process.


The most common materials used in honey extractors are stainless steel and plastic.

Stainless steel honey extractors are durable, long-lasting, and easy to clean. They are also resistant to rust and corrosion, making them a good choice for beekeepers who want a high-quality extractor that will last for many years. However, they can be more expensive than plastic extractors.

Plastic honey extractors are lightweight and affordable, making them a good choice for beginner beekeepers or those on a budget. However, they may not be as durable as stainless steel extractors and can be harder to clean.

When choosing a honey extractor, consider the pros and cons of each material and choose the one that best meets your needs and budget. A high-quality extractor made from durable materials can make the honey extraction process easier and more efficient and can help ensure that you get the most honey possible from your hives.


Smaller honey extractors are typically more portable and can be easily carried by one person, particularly when they are empty.

Some portable models come with handles or knobs that make them even more convenient to handle. On the other hand, larger honey extractors are usually reserved for commercial or industrial purposes, and they can hold more frames. These larger models are less portable, and may not be suitable for beekeepers who need to move their equipment frequently.

Manual honey extractors are generally more portable than electric extractors, as they are smaller and do not require access to an electrical outlet. However, they can still be heavy and bulky and may require a vehicle with enough space to transport them.

Electric honey extractors are less portable than manual extractors, as they require access to an electrical outlet and can be heavier and bulkier. However, some models are designed with portability in mind and may have wheels or handles to make them easier to move.

When choosing a honey extractor, consider your needs for portability and choose a model that is appropriate for your situation. If you need to transport your extractor frequently, look for one that is lightweight, compact, and easy to move. If you will be using your extractor in a fixed location, you may be able to choose a larger, heavier model that is not as portable.

Honey Sprout

The honey extractor spout, also known as the honey gate, is an important component of the extractor that allows the honey to flow out of the drum and into containers.
Typically made of food-grade plastic, nylon, or stainless steel, it is designed to be completely sealed and airtight to prevent leaks.

When choosing a honey extractor, consider the size and placement of the honey gate. A larger honey gate can make it easier to collect honey quickly, while a smaller gate may require more time and effort to collect the honey.

The placement of the honey gate is also important. It should be positioned close to the bottom of the drum to allow all of the honey to flow out, and it should be easy to access and operate.

Different honey extractor models may have unique modifications to their honey gates.

Some honey extractors come with honey gates that are threaded or fitted with a valve, making it easier to control the flow of honey. This can be particularly helpful when filling containers of different sizes or when working with sticky or thick honey.

Some honey gates are secured using a nut-and-bolt mechanism, while others may be attached to a small chain. These modifications can affect how easily the honey gate can be opened and closed, and how well it seals to prevent leaks.

When selecting a honey extractor, consider the size, placement, and design of the honey gate to ensure that it meets your needs and makes the honey extraction process as efficient and easy as possible.

How Long Does It Take To Extract Honey With A Honey Extractor?

The amount of time it takes to extract honey with a honey extractor depends on a variety of factors, including the size of the extractor, the number of frames being extracted, and the speed of the spinning process.

Generally speaking, a small manual honey extractor can extract honey from a few frames in about 15-30 minutes, while larger electric honey extractors can extract honey from several frames at once in about 5-10 minutes.

However, keep in mind that there are other factors that can affect the time it takes to extract honey, such as the viscosity of the honey, the cleanliness of the frames, and the skill level of the beekeeper. Additionally, the time it takes to extract honey can vary depending on the type of honey extractor being used and the specific model.

In any case, using a honey extractor is generally faster and more efficient than traditional honey extraction methods, such as crushing and straining the honeycomb by hand.

How Often Do I Extract Honey?

How often you extract honey from your beehive depends on several factors, such as the size and strength of your colony, the amount of nectar flow in your area, and the weather conditions.

In general, honey extraction is typically done once or twice a year, usually during summer when the nectar flow is at its peak. However, some beekeepers may choose to extract honey more frequently if their colony is particularly strong or if there is a surplus of honey available.

It’s important to avoid extracting too much honey at once, as this can leave your bees without enough food to survive the winter. As a general rule of thumb, it’s recommended to leave at least 50-60 pounds of honey in the hive for winter survival.

Additionally, it’s important to monitor your colony’s honey stores throughout the year and to only extract honey when there is a surplus available. This will help to ensure that your bees have enough food to sustain themselves throughout the year and will help to promote the health and well-being of your colony.

What Is The Best Time To Harvest Honey?

The best time to harvest honey is when the honeycombs are full of ripened honey, usually when the cells are at least 80% capped with wax. This indicates that the honey is mature and ready to be harvested. However, the timing of the harvest can vary depending on the climate, region, and availability of nectar.

In general, the best time to harvest honey is in late summer or early fall, as this is when most plants are in bloom and produce nectar. It’s important to make sure that you leave enough honey in the hive for the bees to consume and build up their reserves for the colder months.

Additionally, it’s best to harvest honey on a warm and sunny day when the bees are less active and less likely to be agitated. This will make the harvesting process easier and safer for both you and the bees.

How Can I Extract Honey Step By Step?

Here are the step-by-step instructions for extracting honey using a honey extractor:

  • Prepare the honey extractor: Clean the honey extractor and ensure that it is in good working condition. Also, ensure that the honey gate is properly closed.
  • Remove the frames from the hive: Remove the frames from the beehive that contains the honeycombs. Use a bee brush to remove any bees on the frames.
  • Uncap the frames: Use an uncapping knife or tool to remove the wax caps from the honeycomb cells, exposing the honey.
  • Load the frames into the extractor: Load the uncapped frames into the extractor, making sure that they are balanced and spaced evenly.
  • Spin the frames: Turn on the extractor and spin the frames at a slow and steady speed for a few minutes. This will cause the honey to be released from the honeycomb and collect at the bottom of the drum.
  • Drain the honey: Once the honey has been extracted, open the honey gate at the bottom of the extractor and allow the honey to flow into a bucket or container.
  • Filter the honey: Pour the honey through a strainer or filter to remove any wax, debris, or impurities.
  • Bottle and label the honey: Pour the filtered honey into clean jars or bottles and label them with the date and location of extraction.
  • Store the honey: Store the honey in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight until ready to consume or sell.

By following these steps, you can extract honey from your beehive using a honey extractor and enjoy the sweet rewards of your hard work.

How Should I Store Honey After Extraction?

After extracting honey, it’s important to store it properly to maintain its quality and freshness. Here are some tips for storing honey:

  • Store honey in a cool, dry place: Honey should be stored at room temperature (between 50-70°F) in a dry place away from direct sunlight. Exposure to heat and light can cause the honey to lose its flavor and color.
  • Use an airtight container: Store honey in an airtight container, such as a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid, to prevent moisture from getting in and spoiling the honey.
  • Do not refrigerate: Honey should not be refrigerated, as this can cause it to crystallize and become grainy in texture.
  • Keep honey away from strong odors: Honey can absorb strong odors and flavors from other foods, so it’s best to store it away from foods with strong aromas.
  • Use within a year: While honey does not spoil, it can crystallize and lose its flavor over time. For the best quality and flavor, it’s recommended to use honey within a year of extraction.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your honey stays fresh and delicious for as long as possible.

How Can I Clean The Honey Extractor?

Cleaning the honey extractor after use is essential to ensure that it remains hygienic and functional for future use. Here are some steps you can follow to clean a honey extractor:

  • Remove all frames and honey residue from the extractor: After extraction, remove all frames and scrape any remaining honey off the inside of the drum and frames.
  • Rinse the extractor with warm water: Rinse the extractor with warm water to remove any remaining honey or debris.
  • Use a cleaning solution: Prepare a cleaning solution by mixing hot water and a mild detergent or a food-grade sanitizer. Avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach.
  • Clean the extractor with the cleaning solution: Use a soft cloth or sponge to clean the inside and outside of the extractor with the cleaning solution. Be sure to pay extra attention to the honey gate, drum, and other hard-to-reach areas.
  • Rinse thoroughly: Rinse the extractor thoroughly with warm water to remove any soap or sanitizer residue.
  • Dry the extractor: Allow the extractor to air dry or use a clean towel to dry it thoroughly.
  • Store the extractor in a dry place: Store the honey extractor in a dry place away from direct sunlight until its next use.

By following these steps, you can keep your honey extractor clean and hygienic, ensuring that your honey stays fresh and safe for consumption.

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